Thursday, August 7, 2014

My 30 Day Dinner Meal Planning Extravaganza! (Long, but good)

Okay! So, you all want to know how I did my thirty day DINNER meal plan and am saving money right!? Here ya go!  REMEMBER… I AM NOT PROFESSIONAL.....YET J

First things first, if you don’t have food storage, I highly recommend it, even if it’s a little here and there!  Most of my savings come from it! I hit case lot sales like they are going out of style. The key to my method of my 30 day meal plan and food storage is STORE WHAT YOU USE, AND USE WHAT YOU STORE. This means, buying extra spaghetti noodles and sauce or any other ingredients you can store that you eat regularly. Smiths has a great 10 for 10 sale quite often (I haven’t figured out their sale cycle yet.) but buying a can or bag more of something that is on sale and isn't going to expire saved you that extra trip to the store for one item, then you end up spending more.

Next- This is where the process gets a little frustrating, but in a surprising way. How many of you keep your bank statements and file them? I do, and if you don’t, you should start. I went through and added up all the amounts that we were spending on groceries. Some from Walmart have diapers included, and since I knew which ones those were, I took out 25.00 a box. Anyway- any little bill you might see if it’s from $2.00 at your local store, to $200.00 at Walmart, add them up. Most likely food was bought during this time whether it was from the deli or not. (Small amounts add up just as much!). If you don’t have your statements, start saving your receipts NOW. They help you as well.

After you have added up everything for the last 2 months (2 separate totals, one for each month), then go through your fridge. How much of that is still sitting in your fridge, and how much of it has expired? Seriously, if you think I’m crazy that’s fine, but I realized that I bought stuff from 2 months ago, that was still sitting in my fridge, untouched and expired ( you know, shoved to the back). Go through you pantry as well. How much of that money that you spent on your food, did you waste? Mine was roughly 60.00 bucks or more worth (pantry and fridge) with some still usable.

This is where the fun begins. Along with going through your pantry and your fridge, write down things you have that you can create meals with. So for instance, if you have a can of spaghetti sauce write it down, it can be used in a meal. If you have chicken in your fridge/freezer and you haven’t made plans for it and it’s not expired, you can use it in a meal. Everything you think you can make a meal out of, write it down.  

PINTEREST is my obsession/getting creative. I went on to Pinterest and found a 30 day dinner meal plan sheet that also had a section for a grocery list that was separated into different categories (dairy, meats, fresh produce etc.) and printed it. With the stuff I found in my home that needed to be used, I had to start thinking of meals. I looked for simple meals that were yummy, and not too expensive. I also looked for meals that didn’t have some random ingredient that I didn't know what it I was, because I don’t care to much for searching for something because I don’t know if it’s in the fresh produce, or the seasonings (get my drift? It’s a waste of time). Anyway, after I created meals, I put them on the sheet I found on Pinterest. Then, I went through each meal. Also, remember to keep left overs as a meal! If you’re like my family, you’ll have them!
For example: I found spaghetti sauce. Well, obviously, I can make spaghetti. So, I need noodles and hamburger (if I have to buy hamburger, I buy extra, separate it out in to pound sizes, plastic wrap it , put it in to a freezer bag and freeze it.). Then write down what you need in the category it goes under.

After your meals are created, start looking for coupons for some if not all of those items, check stores to see if they are having a sale on multiple items (no need to run to a million stores for one item each, you’ll spend more in gas.) Truth is- some stores may seem like they are having a sale, yet really, they aren’t cheaper than another store, so I check prices a lot. After you have found coupons, print and clip them, download them to your phone, whatever. Even the littlest of 60 cents can save you that much more money. But that doesn't mean buy something just because there is a coupon for it, you won’t save anything. Also, if you know you eat something more often, try to print extra coupons so that you can buy extra cans, or bags of it, but make sure to check expiration dates!

Buying things that are going out of the sale date: Every store has product coming in and out like crazy. I look for items that are going to be going out of the “sale by date”. Most likely they are going to be cheaper. I try to find the meat that is more on sale, and I take it home and freeze it. Also, another tip if you like pork chops, buy a big pork loin. You can cut pork chops out of it, saran wrap them, and put them  in a freezer bag with no air in it, and freeze it. I always get 5 meals out of them! Look for bigger ones on sale!

 2 WEEKS WORTH: I need to mention that when I go shopping, I am shopping for the first 2 weeks of my meal plan, then I go again in another 2 weeks. If there are things I know that will last longer, I will buy them so that I have them, but things like lettuce and other fresh produce don’t last a long time, so I break that stuff up in to 2 different weeks making sure I’ll use them for the first upcoming meals.

STICK TO THE LIST! I understand you still have to buy shampoos, underwear, and other home needs, but put them on your list. When I go shopping for groceries, I only buy what is on my list. Sticking to your list is the only way to save, and don’t go shopping hungry, because everything sounds good.

CASH ONLY: I take cash when I go shopping. I add up roughly the amount and take 10-15 bucks extra of what I think I’ll need, and that is all I use. If you go in with your card and you don’t stick to your list, you’ll end up spending more than expected and if you spend less than good for you.

After shopping: If you spend less than you normally would on your groceries,  that is awesome!!! I know I started saving ton by just planning, and using what I already had! I looked at my 2 previous months (May/ June) and in the month of July, I saved alone $350 in groceries (food).  I personally believe this system works, but you have to put forth the effort! Good luck!!! Let me know how you do!!!



Sunday, March 2, 2014

Moments of gratitude

     Long post--- just so you know!
    fgYou know how there's those people that believe they see angels? There's also those that believe they are guided by spirits to do things that have miraculously saved their lives? I know there are a lot of stories out there about God and his ways of giving people prompts to do the things they should, or to bring them back into the church. 
    A few months ago, I found out that a family member of mine was slowly slipping away from the church. It truly is heart breaking to know that they know the knowledge they have, and yet the question it. It's a fearful feeling to not be able to understand where they are coming from, and you honestly just want to smack them upside the head and scream at the top of your lungs "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"  but... after long thoughts, discouraging moments in my own life, I then started to think about the church as well. 
  • Is it really true?
  • How do we know that we aren't going to get to heaven and it was all misleading?
  • How do we know that there was a previous life before us?
  • What is this faith that everyone keeps telling me to have?
  • Am I just blowing money (tithing) for an organization that I don't understand completely? 
     You know, some people would think that I'm completely crazy for even questioning my religion, and some would say it's normal. Those that don't believe in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, could easily tell me that it's not true and that everything that I have been taught my whole life has been a complete lie.  So how do you figure it out? How do understand how this whole thing works? Well of course, first things first, primary answers : Read your Scriptures, Say your prayers, family home evening and Go to church. Yes, that's all easier said than done. Life happens, and sometimes it gets carried away on it's own. 

    As we finished up the day at my brother in laws wedding luncheon, my husband and I started to discuss what we were going to do in Salt Lake before and after the actual reception. We decided that we would take the boys swimming, maybe do a little train ride, and end up at the Temple Square in down town Salt Lake.  That night I packed our bags, and we left early the next morning. Arriving at our hotel, we went to dinner with family and did a little shopping before setting up for the reception. 

     The reception went great! The bride, my now sister in law, looked beautiful and my husband and I danced the night away, along with a few cut ins from my boys. We ended the night with a little cake, said our congrats and headed back to the room. The next morning we enjoyed breakfast with our family and we all went our separate ways. That's when we headed downtown. Okay- coming from the country, can I just say that that traffic was horrible. seriously, It's a good thing I don't live there! Okay-venting session over. 

    As we got frustrated with the parking, we finally found a spot underground. We made our way to the trains that go through town and Coy absolutely loved it, he bawled when we left! Finally, our destination had arrived! I think I was more excited than Colby was! We went to the South Visitors Center first, where we were greeted by many (when I say many I mean A LOT) of sister missionaries. I'm pretty sure every country had made their way to this building while we were there.  After the south visitors center, we decided to go to the North. You know, the one with the huge statue of Jesus and the really cool atmosphere surrounding it. 

    As we were walking up the ramp, Coy was running ( I know I know, who does that) up the ramp and stood at the midst of Jesus. He pointed up to the statue and smiled, he then turned around and said "That's a BIG GUY!" Colby then said," Do you know who that is" and Coy being the three he is doesn't say anything and continues to play. Just then, with out a doubt in his little mind, Hayes turns around, Looks up a the statue and says, "Jesus." Clear as day. Hayes is now 1 years old and jabbers. He doesn't understand what he is saying, and most of the time neither do we.But with out a doubt, he knew exactly what he was saying as we was pointing up to the man. I have never heard this name come so clear from a child that doesn't even know how to speak. It was that feeling of enjoyment, gratitude, and honestly, a little bit of sadness. I was excited I was happy, I was tearful. All I could think to do was hug my little man, and then text my family and tell them our amazing story! 
     Your probably wondering why I said sadness huh? I guess a little part of me just couldn't express the gratitude enough for this amazing little spirit to be mine. I wanted to scream for joy, yet it almost broke my heart to know that I brought down this little soul that has to go through hurt and happiness, laughter and sorrow and most of all, the cruelty and joys of the world.

    After such an amazing experience, I couldn't help but get down on my knees that night and thank our Heavenly Father for the great moments he has put into my life. As far as the questions go, here are my answer that I feel are most adequate to answer the questions with. 

Is it true? Without a doubt. Not only I, but many have had experiences even greater than what I experienced. If it wasn't true, than how did my baby know his name, and how is it that you are completely surrounded by the spirit when you are on the temple grounds?

How do we know that when we get to heaven it isn't going to be just a big misguidance? Well, I believe that if it were to be a misguidance, than why do so many people have these moments? Why are we doing temple work for those who have passed before us that haven't had their work done? Also, why would families be forever?

How do we know there was a previous life? I don't even ask this any more. My baby gave me a marvelous experience to know that there is a previous life. 

What is this faith that everyone keeps telling me to have? and am I just blowing money? Well, according to a very well known primary song "Faith is like a little seed, if planted it will grow" I guess maybe addressing this, I have realized that I have had faith for many things since I have paid tithing. Everything just works out so well. Yes, certain days are hard, but it could be worse. Everything just seems to keep working out for us, even if we don't see it, or understand something.

If you have struggles or you are wondering stay strong. Things all work out like they are planned, and with out a doubt, I believe it.